MC Interview | Wait for better opportunity to enter Paytm, says Divam Sharma of Green Portfolio

Divam Sharma, Co-Founder of Green Portfolio and a smallcase manager, says that the valuation of Paytm is on the higher side and suggests that investors should wait for a better opportunity to make buy into the company.

“While one could justify such high valuations on the back of industry-wide growth, it is noteworthy that the company posted a decline in revenues in FY21, the year of the pandemic, when the use of digital and mobile payments surged,” the seasoned investment manager says in an interview with Moneycontrol.

On the public issues launched this week, he says that although these IPOs (Paytm, Sapphire Foods and Latent View) are fully priced, he likes Latent View Analytics because it is a niche player. Excerpts from the interview:

What is your advice to investors regarding the Paytm IPO?


Green Portfolio Team

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